Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Microbes: Unseen Wonders!

We are watching a part of a NOVA video called Intimate Strangers about antibiotic resistance.

Use these video review questions to help you focus on the major ideas.  Enjoy the animations!

Microbes: Creators of the Future

Unseen Wonders
  1. Microbes total weight is more than all ________ and _________combined.  Microbes are protozoans, fungi, _______ and ________.
  2. Where do they live?
Resistance Fighters

  1. What part of bacterial cells are weakened by penicillin?
  2. Why do mutations (random genetic _______) affect bacteria so quickly?
  3. What does the helmet represent on the spherical blue bacterium cartoon?
  4. How does antibiotic use actually help bacteria become better able to survive in the long run?
  5. What percentage of microbes can survive in a laboratory setting?
  6. What is a plasmid?
  7. What is the significance of the “zone of clearing” around the paper dots soaked with antibiotics?
  8. From where do we get antibiotic medicines?  Explain how they are produced.

Handshake vs. Fist Bump

Make your prediction about which is a safer greeting.  Use the "If..., then ... because...." hypothesis format.

Watch the video to describe the results of the experiment! Video results

We are reviewing viruses and bacteria and disease transmission today.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Where do cells come from?

We don't have any direct evidence, but we do have some indirect evidence from observations and experiments that have led to some interesting theories.
Take notes in your notebook on p143- Evolution of Cells video review
p. 144- 145 Redi's and Pasteur's experiments, and video notes on the two videos linked here:

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Viruses- Alive or Not?

After you set up your notebook and describe the the parts of a virus, please go to google classroom to start working on your Virus Notes.
 For the last 15 minutes of class, we will debate our essential question:
Is a virus alive? What evidence do you have to support your claim?